
Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale

Google Research, Brain Team

Vision Transformer (ViT)

  • 2D image is reshaped into a sequence of flattened 2D patches.
  • flattened patches are linearly projected to an embedding representation
  • 1D learnable positional embeddings are added (as opposed to fixed positional encodings)
  • standard Transformer receives as input a 1D sequence of token embeddings
  • similar to BERT's [class] token, prepend a learnable embedding z00=xclassz_0^0=x_{\text{class}} whose state at the output of the Transformer encoder zL0z_L^0 serves as the image representation yy.
  • a MLP classification head is attached to zL0z_L^0 (two layers with a GELU non-linearity)

Hybrid Architecture: Input sequence is formed from feature maps of a CNN with patch size of 1 "pixel".

Convolutional Inductive Bias

Transformers lack some of the inductive biases inherent to CNN (translation equivariance and locality) and do not generalize well when trained on insufficient amounts of data (i.e. ImageNet only).

Current state-of-the-art is held by Noisy Student (Xie et al., 2020) for ImageNet and Big Transfer (BiT) (Kolesnikov et al.) for other reported datasets (VITAB, CIFAR, ...)

ViT model pre-trained on larger datasets (14M-300M images, e.g. JFT-300M) outperforms ResNet (BiT) (Kolesnikov et al.) (by a percentage point or less).

When pre-trained on ImageNet, larger architectures underperform smaller architectures despite heavy regularization. Only with JFT-300M do we see the full benefit of larger models.

Attention distance

  • for each pixel, compute distance with other pixels weighted by the attention weight
  • analogous to receptive field size in CNN (= filter size)
  • some heads attend to most of the image already in the lowest layers, showing ability to integrate information globally
  • other attention heads have small attention distances in the low layers (localized)
  • highly localized attention is less pronounced in hybrid models suggesting that it may serve a similar function as early convolutional layers in CNNs

Computational resources

Benefits from the efficient implementations on hardware accelerators (self-attention can be parallelized).

ViT uses 2-4x less compute to attain same performance as ResNets.


  • masked patch prediction like BERT with masked language modeling
  • predict 3-bit, mean color (i.e. out of 512 colors in total) of corrupted patches
  • improves on training from scratch but still behind supervised pre-training (on ImageNet classification)

Few-shot learning accuracy

Used for fast on-the-fly evaluation where fine-tuning would be too costly.

  • a subset of training images are labeled with {1,1}K\{-1, 1\}^K target vectors
  • representations of those images are frozen
  • goal is to solve a regularized linear regression model that maps the representations to the target vectors
  • I assume, the more discriminative the representations are, the better the accuracy of the learned linear model.


learned positional embeddings (as introduced in BERT) vs positional encodings?