Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning (DeepMind, 2013)
Handcrafting an appropriate set of features doesn't scale up. deep neural nets enable automatic feature extractions.
DQN takes preprocessed pixel images from Atari game environment as inputs and outputs a vector containing Q-values for each valid action.
raw Atari frames (210x160x3) are converted to gray scale and down-sampled to a 110x84 image, then cropped to a 84x84 region of the image capturing the play area (because of 2D convolutions expecting square input). 4 last frames are stacked to produce the input of size 84x84x4.
where is the one-step ahead learning target:
where are the parameters of the target network and are the parameters of the online network.
Transition tuples are stored in a replay buffer used to store the most recent 1 million experiences. Online parameters are updated by sampling gradients uniformly from the mini-batch.
Learning directly from consecutive samples is inefficient, due to the strong correlations between the samples; randomizing the samples breaks these correlations and therefore reduces the variance of the updates.
When learning on-policy the current parameters determine the next data sample that the parameters are trained on. For example, if the maximizing action is to move left then the training samples will be dominated by samples from the left-hand side; if the maximizing action then switches to the right then the training distribution will also switch. It is easy to see how unwanted feedback loops may arise and the parameters could get stuck in a poor local minimum, or even diverge catastrophically.
When learning by experience replay, it is necessary to learn off-policy (because our current parameters are different to those used to generate the sample), which motivates the choice of Q-learning.
However, uniform sampling does not differentiate informative transitions. More sophisticated replay strategy: Prioritized Replay (replays important transitions more frequently = higher efficiency).
Has to be used with an off-policy method since the current parameters are different from those used to generate the samples.
To deal with non-stationary learning targets, the target network is used to generate targets . Its parameters are updated every steps by copying parameters from the online network. This makes learning more stable.
max operator in DQN (line 12) uses same network values to select and evaluate an action, which causes maximization bias (likely to select overestimated values, resulting in overoptimistic target value estimates).
We decouple action selection parameters and action evaluation parameters :
We use the target network's parameters for evaluation: .
Advantage function:
Since , , meaning the advantage function is a relative measure of the importance of each action.
The dueling network learns the Q-function by decoupling value function and advantage function.
2 streams of fully connected layers:
How to combine the two streams?
Just summing up is unidentifiable (given we cannot recover or : adding and subtracting any constant from the two values yields the same Q-value estimate). This also produces poor performance in practice.
For a deterministic, since we always choose the action , and hence . We can thus force the advantage function to have zero estimate at the chosen action:
An alternative is to replace the max with a mean operator. This improves the stability of learning: the advantages only need to change as fast as the mean.